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#QuiltySlowvember Week 4 | Grateful

It felt good last week to explore some things I had on my list for a little while. I completed my little art piece and enjoyed getting back into some hand stitching. I didn’t get around to exploring any sustainable projects. Right now it feels like I am moving in slow-motion and the world is running in fast forward. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours, or energy, in a day.

For the final week of Quilty Slowvember I am going to focus on being grateful. Too often we focus on things we want and not the things we have. First I will take a step back and be grateful for an amazing house with a dedicated sewing space. I know I’m lucky and not everyone gets that. I have a “small” but plentiful fabric stash that I could tap into and make many quilts if fabric suddenly became unavailable to me.

I am also grateful for my kids who tolerate all my quiltyness. They fully understand that it’s part of who I am and even ask me questions about what I’m working on. I have made a quilt with my older child but my younger one just isn’t ready yet. There will be a day when his eagerness, his patience (and mine), and our schedules line up and we can make a quilt together. But right now I am just grateful for their encouragement.

I hope you had a chance to slow down and work through some of the exercises this month. You can always come back to the blog and read through them again if you get that overwhelming feeling of being rushed. Thanks for following along and helping me through my month of slow. Happy Sewing!